Web Hosting & Domain Services

MITS has many web hosting packages to suit your requirements to host your site. We host sites using both Window based and Linux based systems. We provide a range of highly reliable web hosting services which constitutes required infrastructure and technical expertise.
Web hosting service offers you with web space to store all web documents such as content, images, banners, logos, videos and more at one place. We offer a vast range of web site hosting packages to the customers. Our hosting services are of best quality and you get it at most affordable prices. Our customers avail with free control panel, free e-mails set ups, free blogs set ups and more. Through secure and affordable hosting we ensure your dignified presence on the Web.
Our web team has expertise to work with you to determine the best hosting solution suited to your needs and requirements. Web Hosting is not just about organising bytes for you on the web but it includes developing and putting in place all the following technical elements as suited to your unique needs and requirements:
Online File Manager.
Email accounts with your domain name.
Web Based Email Interface or POP3 Access.
Spam Filtering.
Online Web Stats (invisible hit counter).
Website Backup Utility.
MySQL Database Management.
Add/remove sub-domains. Custom error pages.
FTP Access.
Auto responders.
And other customized features.
MITS our designers will work closely with you to learn more about your company or organization so we can custom build and develop a site that best represents your company.
A real website requires good effort and time to complete. Every work requires a research in that Industry. First of all we have to analyze your position on the net against your competitors. By taking the good qualities of successful websites in your industry, we will be able to make your website distinct, unique and successful.
Why get a domain ?
A domain name is the address that helps people find your website online. It is what you usually type in your browser’s address bar to visit a specific website or location on the Internet. Just as homes and offices have addresses, all websites have a unique domain name. You need a domain name to ensure your website has its own special address on the web. Choosing a good domain name is very important for your business. Choose a domain name that
How to choose a domain ?
Reflects your business name or the topic of your site. is unique and short – one that is easy to say, remember and spell. has letters, numbers, and hyphens. Spaces or other symbols are not allowed. Do a domain name check: if your first choice of domain name has been taken already, try rearranging the words, adding hyphens, or using abbreviations to come up with an alternative domain name.